Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Monday, August 28, 2023

I want entertain you fans my posts.

 I want entertain you fans my posts. Back in April or  May sister Carrie Johnson post Pics of our mom on here.  Nobody comments them.  She been mad about it.   Today i repost them again.  please comments them.  I  tell little details about Pics too.  

Our mom Choie Dove her laser Disk Dvd she made in  2022

Our mom Choie Dove age 18.

Our mom Choie Dove age 37.

Our  mom Choie Dove age 59.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Pass + present = future my presence on this website.

 I thinking today this website not active anymore because alot people don't comments or send messages on here anymore.  That or Smokers fetish no longer popular like was 15 or 20 Years ago.  I remember in 2003 we first got our desk top computer first thing we look up on Google was Smokers see videos popular people Cigarettes smoking. Like  Vanessa sister  Brookie Hunter we watch her.  We found out mom  Miss Choie Dove or back then her name was Miss Inhale.  We got a laptop 2007.  We sign up on sSpotity music start listening to music Aabout smoking.  We found out about YouTube sign up on That start watching smoking fetish girls Cigarettes smoking.  Now anymore you don't see Pics or videos that no longer on YouTube or porn websites.  This website only few us like that. Myself  and Taylor and Elizabeth and Sarah and her daughters and Vanessa and Jon.   Here 2 new Pics myself having a marlboro redmorning as listening to Spotity music by Rihanna today.  

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Me Carrie Johnson and sister Taylor Johnson.

 Our friend Vanessa been emails me Carrie Johnson and sister Taylor Johnson few days wanted us post new Pics of us Cigarettes smoking. lately i Haven't bought a pack Cigarettes myself only maybe bum few from Taylor or a friend at work. Today was first time few months i bought a pack Cigarettes marlboros lights 100s and Taylor had Newports 100s   we had mother take Pics of us.  here our new Pics Vanessa.  Enjoy Please comment and tell y'all friends about this post.  We get topless too it over 103 degrees temperature today we get a little sweating too.  We tease each other few times too.