Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

 A school teacher story.  Age 17 in school we having show and tell 1 afternoon.  my idea for class show  i been Cigarettes smoking almost a year. It 2 weeks before my 18th birthday.  I took out a cigarette light up in classroom. I have Pic that somewhere. I told classroom i been Cigarettes smoking.  

Teacher took me to principal office she broke all my Cigarettes i had. Call my mom and dad about it.  That afternoon mom and dad learn i was Cigarettes smoking after school.  

The principal of my high school Mis. Holiday. 


Friday, March 24, 2023

 Here another set Pics myself in Attic Cigarettes smoking again This Pics  myself age 18  few weeks before graduate from high school.  I'm having a Virginia Slim 100

As grown-up i use go Attic to smoke Cigarettes after school alot.  Here Pics myself up in Attic having a parliament 100 cigarette i stole my aunt  Jessica pursue or  my mom pursue sometimes.  They always had good Cigarettes in there pursues. I  always took 3  myself they wouldn't know i was smoking.

Pics myself taken age 17 Years old after school.  R E 7  means   Resident Evil 7   

 In 2019 i made a video myself Cigarettes smoking and getting topless i  post video on my Twitter.  Sarah Johnson daughter found that video. Here share screenshots Pics that video on here.  Here me  having a marlboros red and getting topless video screenshots.