Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

 Friend Vanessa wanted see our ashtrays look like other day?  Here my ashtray i keep by my bed in my bedroom.  You see lipstick on all my Cigarettes butts. Strange Sarah Johnson Pic her ashtray no lipstick on butts.

Carrie Johnson Cigarettes Ashtray

Brand Cigarettes i smoke.

Here me holding 1.

Other brand Cigarettes sometimes i  smoke too.
Here Molly girl i buy my Cigarettes from in morning at the tobacco shop. 

If wonder if Molly smoke? Yes here Pic of her.


  1. Wow awesome pictures. Cute you got picture of person buy your Cigarettes from.

  2. I just light mine put in ashtray and took photo. My daughters wearing clear lip gloss.


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