Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

A week ½ after that email.

 A week ½ after that email i wanted know more about Trisha Annabelle smoking habits i little curiosity about it i emails her about that question.  

Hi Carrie Johnson just got your email.  you know about my smoking   ?  I begin cigarette smoking age 14  a friend in school dare me try a cigarette. I love it.  My mom Stephane always smoking cigarettes she had 3 or 4 packs around house open after school i always took her Menthol cigarettes i  do not like filter cigarettes.  Camel crush menthols or marlboros menthols or marlboros lights are my favorite cigarettes. Maybe Virginia slims or Misty or  Capri 120  i might having them on holidays. Here me age 18 to age 38 cigarette smoking photos for you.  

1 comment:

  1. Looking at picture 15, i swear that Britney Spears i think. Also picture 21 that not your friend Trisha. That my neighbor Rebecca i see tattoo on her breast tit nipple. Rest pictures i do not know.


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