Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 Here a question been ask over 100 times?  Why do woman Cigarettes smoke?  Why do young girls wanna they grow up become Cigarettes smokers ?  -  I'm here answer that question?  It simple. girls as grow up watch movies woman Cigarettes smoking think that sexy a woman a long cigarette her lips like i did  Carmen Diaz  in movie The Mask. That half answer.  Woman wanna Cigarettes smoke they look sexy holding a cigarette in there lips like there favorite actress cigarette smoker.  Nothing more sexy walk in Your house after work see wife in bed having a cigarette between her lipstick lips like this.  

A sexy woman marlboros menthol red lips

1 comment:

  1. My husband agree with you on That wonder them lips same as Kent cigarette post of britney spears too.


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