Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 I on my twitter after post them 2 videos  myself from YouTube on here.  Someone Had a question i definitely had answer it.  

"  Who Your Favorite actress Cigarettes Smoker ? "   my answer   Carmen Diaz  

Carmen Diaz
My first Movie saw Cigarettes smoking in it was " The Mask " i saw Carmen Diaz  light up her cigarette sexy that Movie I just wanna be just like her i got older enough cigarette smoke.  I'm Am today just like her.  

Carrie Faith Johnson marlboros red in swimsuit

We 2 are both sexy Cigarettes Smokers !!!



  1. Wow she still gorgeous today as she in movie the mask. My first cigarette smoking movie was Scareface. I love watching Michelle Pfeiffer cigarette smoking.

    1. yes remember that movie myself That awesome 1 i didn't like end they killed Tony Montana. I had ps2 game scareface it show happened Tony Montana survive that art end of movie.

  2. My answer be Kate McKinnon i love her on Saturday night live cigarette smoking as she tell about the UFO attack.


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