Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.

Me Carrie Johnson Enough Said.
Me Carrie Johnson By My Computer. Enough Said.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Read friend Vanessa this post.

 I remember about first few days on this website Vanessa Hunter you talk about your friend Sally ?  I just found her on YouTube.  Here Pic of her.  

Here a video how i just found her.   

Here that post about your friend you did on April 5th day you sign up on this website.


  1. Wow you found her. Thanks Carrie Johnson. P S Carrie Johnson maybe you shed light on why yesterday 9 people saying you use my pictures on YouTube channel. I block 9 people yesterday. Today 7 people on my twitter call my pictures your name Carrie Johnson. I do not understand how can do that use my pictures on YouTube channel ? i on your YouTube channel today i never saw my pictures on your YouTube channel. Mostly games records videos like grand theft auto 5. I never play that game only a demo that game on PlayStation 3. I never play full version that game. Maybe you shed light on why people saying you use my pictures on your YouTube channel ?

    1. Here i think i made post about you someone made YouTube video about it. That why people call you me. If want me to i take down delete that post ?

  2. This not full video of her. This only a 90 second video. She not 1 post video. That im looking for 1 made video and post on there YouTube channel. But thanks anyway.

    1. Watch full video show you how see full video of her on YouTube. I don't know she she 1 post video herself.


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